Saturday 13 October 2007

Lotsa mud and a Motorbike

It's been raining all week! Getting cooler - at night enough to need a bed sheet, even.
I spent a pleasant day today back at the Mae Taeng river (for my last adventure there see "Lots of Planting and Going with the Flow" July post). I was there with some Bangkok teachers, planning a school camp for January.
Check out these muddy pics - quintessentially Thai.

negotiating elephant tracks; local rafters enjoying the view on the slip&slide road

returning to the scene of drama - the Mae Taeng in it's white water splender

Yes well the other news is that I joined the motorbiking community this week - I'm the only person in Chiang Mai (and probably all of Thailand) sporting a retro white aussie postie helmet. It's not a good look but is much safer than the $20 local helmet varieties. A little scary day #1, but now at one week in I've got my confidence & am loving the freedom.